Das Psychologische Institut und das Studium
laden zu folgendem Gastvortrag ein:
Prof. J. Robert Grove
Psychological Processes
and Health Habits:
The Case of Regular Exercise
Institut, Staudingerweg 9
Dual-process models of
behaviour recognise the importance of both reasoned and unreasoned influences.
However, exploration of the unreasoned influences has been thwarted by
inadequate conceptualisation and measurement of habitual acts (Ajzen, 2002). In this presentation, a multidimensional
framework for the analysis of habitual exercise will be discussed, and
evidence for the framework’s structural integrity as well as its
criterion-related validity will be presented. The database for the presentation
will be five recently-completed studies of exercise behaviour in adolescents
and young adults (total N = 1000+).
Nächster Vortrag in dieser Reihe:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Klauer (Bonn)
Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2004, 16.15 Uhr, Raum 03-428
Psychologisches Institut, Staudingerweg 9