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Hotels and Location of the Workshop (Campus Westend, Casino, Room 1.812)

Hotel Walking Distance from Casino Conference Rate Comments
Hotel Mozart
Parkstrasse 17
60323 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49-69-1568 060
Fax: +49-69-1568061
2 min. Single 70 Euro/Night incl. Breakfast The three star hotel located right across the street from the university campus was built in 1985 and was refurbished in 1998. It offers comfortable rooms equipped with hairdryer, phone, fax, internet connection, minibar, cable tv. There is also an in-house restaurant and bar.
Hotel Liebig
Liebigstrasse 44
60323 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49-69-727551
Fax: +49-69-727555
5 min. Single 95 Euro/Night +10.50 Euro for Breakfast This small and elegant hotel has been voted one of the most charming places to stay in Frankfurt.It is located in a quiet tree-lined side-street 5 minutes from the campus. All rooms are equipped with TV, phone and minibar. Several excellent restaurants within 5-10 min. walking-distance.
Hotel-Pension Gölz
Beethovenstrasse 44
60325 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49-69-746735
Fax: +49-69-746142
20 min. Single 49 Euro/Night incl. Breakfast Located in a lovely turn-of-the-century villa, it's worth coming here just to see the hotel's beautiful spiral staircase. Hotel-Pension Gölz boasts twelve large rooms, all of which have been renovated and decorated in an elegant and timeless manner. Breakfast is served in a beautiful dining room. Hotel guests also receive a free ticket for Frankfurt's public transport system for each night that they stay here. Because this place offers such good value for money, it is often full.

Map of the hotels

The organizers would be glad to arrange the reservation of your hotel room as we get special conference rates.
Workshop schedule
Thursday, 3 October: 10 -19 h
Friday, 4 October: 9 -18 h
Saturday, 5 October: 9 -13 h

Sonderforschungsbereich 268 "Kulturentwicklung und Sprachgeschichte im Naturraum Westafrikanische Savanne", Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Verwendung von Texten, Bildern oder Karten (außer für private Zwecke) nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der Autoren.
Kontakt: Dr. Richard Kuba, Institut für historische Ethnologie, Grüneburgplatz 1, D - 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Tel. +49-69-79833066
Web-Design von Volker Linz/Karstkunst Webdienste Berlin.
Webmistress: Julia Weinmann
Letzte Aktualisierung 06/2002.