Participant | Institution | Title |
Amanor, Kojo | University of Ghana, Legon | Community landrights and mobile labour networks in the Eastern Region of Ghana |
Austin, Gareth | London School of Economics and Political Science | Monopoly rights over 'forest rent' and Asante-northern relations: the state, regional inequality and communal interactions in the 19th and 20th centuries |
Berry, Sara | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore | Privatization and the politics of belonging: acquisition and use of rural and urban land in Asante |
Boni, Stefano | University of Siena | Indigenous blood and foreign labour: the ancestralization of land rights in the Ghanaian forest belt |
Chauveau, Jean-Pierre | Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier | Moral economy and contractual agreements between autochthones and migrants: patron-client relations in a plantation agriculture (Gban country, Côte d'Ivoire) |
Dafinger, Andreas and Michaela Pelican | Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle | Landrights and changing identities: policies of formal land allotment to pastoral groups in northwest Cameroon and Burkina Faso |
Diallo, Youssouf | Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle | The land use of the Fulbe and the politics of belonging among the Senufo (northern Côte d'Ivoire) |
Elwert, Georg and Ute Siebert | Free University, Berlin | Landrights in a forest region (Benin) |
Hagberg, Sten | Uppsala University | Money, ritual and the politics of belonging in land transactions in Burkina Faso |
Kuba, Richard | University of Frankfurt | Earth priests and access to land in rural southwestern Burkina Faso |
Kunbuor, Ben | University of Warwick, U.K./ Member of Parliament, Ghana | Multiple layers of land rights and inter-ethnic tensions in the Upper West Region of Ghana |
Lavigne Delville, Philippe | Groupe de Recherche et d'Échanges Technologiques, Paris | The evolution of secondary rights to land in West Africa - conventions and contracts |
Le Meur, Pierre Yves | Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier | Locality, land, mobility in central benin. The case of Gbanlin |
Lentz, Carola | University of Mainz | First-comers and late-comers: indigenous theories of land ownership in the West African savanna |
Lund, Christian | Roskilde University | Who owns Bolgatanga? |
Sanou, Bruno Doti | Centre Africain de Recherche, Bobo-Dioulasso | The allotment of building land in Bobo Dioulasso: town development and the ideology of autochthony |
Stamm, Volker | Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn | New trends in West African land legislation |
Werthmann, Katja | University of Mainz | Gold diggers, earth priests and district heads: land rights and gold-mining in southwestern Burkina Faso |
Sonderforschungsbereich 268 "Kulturentwicklung und Sprachgeschichte
im Naturraum Westafrikanische Savanne", Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Frankfurt am Main. Verwendung von Texten, Bildern oder Karten (außer
für private Zwecke) nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der Autoren. Kontakt: Dr. Richard Kuba, Institut für historische Ethnologie, Grüneburgplatz 1, D - 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Tel. +49-69-79833066 Web-Design von Volker Linz/Karstkunst Webdienste Berlin. Webmistress: Julia Weinmann Letzte Aktualisierung 06/2002. |