Projekt Homepage > Aktuelles > Konferenz in Frankfurt 2002 > Liste der Teilnehmer

Participant  Institution Title
Amanor, Kojo University of Ghana, Legon Community landrights and mobile labour networks
in the Eastern Region of Ghana
Austin, Gareth London School of Economics and Political Science Monopoly rights over 'forest rent' and Asante-northern relations: the state, regional inequality and communal interactions in the 19th and 20th
Berry, Sara Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Privatization and the politics of belonging: acquisition
and use of rural and urban land in Asante
Boni, Stefano University of Siena Indigenous blood and foreign labour: the ancestralization
of land rights in the Ghanaian forest belt
Chauveau, Jean-Pierre Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier Moral economy and contractual agreements between
autochthones and migrants: patron-client relations in a
plantation agriculture (Gban country, Côte d'Ivoire)
Dafinger, Andreas and Michaela Pelican Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle Landrights and changing identities: policies of formal
land allotment to pastoral groups in northwest
Cameroon and Burkina Faso
Diallo, Youssouf Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle The land use of the Fulbe and the politics of belonging
among the Senufo (northern Côte d'Ivoire)
Elwert, Georg and Ute Siebert Free University, Berlin Landrights in a forest region (Benin)
Hagberg, Sten Uppsala University Money, ritual and the politics of belonging in land transactions
in Burkina Faso
Kuba, Richard University of Frankfurt Earth priests and access to land in rural
southwestern Burkina Faso
Kunbuor, Ben University of Warwick, U.K./ Member of Parliament, Ghana Multiple layers of land rights and inter-ethnic
tensions in the Upper West Region of Ghana
Lavigne Delville, Philippe Groupe de Recherche et d'Échanges Technologiques, Paris The evolution of secondary rights to land
in West Africa - conventions and contracts
Le Meur, Pierre Yves Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier Locality, land, mobility in central benin. The case of Gbanlin
Lentz, Carola University of Mainz First-comers and late-comers: indigenous theories of land
ownership in the West African savanna
Lund, Christian Roskilde University Who owns Bolgatanga?
Sanou, Bruno Doti Centre Africain de Recherche, Bobo-Dioulasso The allotment of building land in Bobo Dioulasso:
town development and the ideology of autochthony
Stamm, Volker Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn New trends in West African land legislation
Werthmann, Katja University of Mainz Gold diggers, earth priests and district heads:
land rights and gold-mining in southwestern Burkina Faso

Sonderforschungsbereich 268 "Kulturentwicklung und Sprachgeschichte im Naturraum Westafrikanische Savanne", Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Verwendung von Texten, Bildern oder Karten (außer für private Zwecke) nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung der Autoren.
Kontakt: Dr. Richard Kuba, Institut für historische Ethnologie, Grüneburgplatz 1, D - 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Tel. +49-69-79833066
Web-Design von Volker Linz/Karstkunst Webdienste Berlin.
Webmistress: Julia Weinmann
Letzte Aktualisierung 06/2002.