All contrubutions in one ZIP file
Single Contributions:
Theoretical Chemistry
V. Pershina
Predictions of the experimental behaviour of the heaviest elements
A. Borschevsky
Fully relativistic ab initio studies of
properties of the heaviest elements
Physics of SHE
K. E. Gregorich
Hot fusion in recoil separators
A. Gorshkov
Measurements of 260-262Rf
produced in 22Ne + 244Pu fusion reaction at TASCA
K. Morimoto
Production and decay properties of 266Bh
and its daughter nuclei by using the 248Cm(23Na, 5n) reaction
R. Graeger
Reaction studies about the Q-value
influence on the production of superheavy elements
Ch. E. Düllmann
Decay properties of “chemistry
isotopes” of light even-Z transactinides
Gas phase chemistry
A. Serov
Adsorption interaction of 113mIn
and 212Pb isotopes with quartz
R. Eichler
Chemical investigations of element 114
Aqueous Chemistry
Y. Nagame
Aqueous chemistry of Rf and Db
Y. Kasamatsu
Anion-exchange experiment of Db with
A. Toyoshima
Electrochemical studies of the
heaviest actinides
K. Ooe
Solvent extraction studies of molybdenum and
tungsten as homologues of seaborgium
(element 106)
J. Even
deposition – a method to study the chemistry of hassium
F. Samadani
A SISAK extraction system for
chemical studies of hassium
D. Hild
MicroSISAK – Improvements of a device for
continuous liquid-liquid extraction on a microliter scale
R. A. Hendersson
Automated chemistry efforts at LLNL using
Eichrom´s DGA resin
M. E. Bennett
Extraction chromatographic studies of Rf
and Db homologs
Technical aspects
M. Schädel
TASCA – A new tool in the quest for
superheavy element studies
A. Yakushev
A new TASCA focal plane detector and
data acquisition system
H. Nitsche
From new actinide target technology to
heavy element chemistry
H. Haba
RIKEN GARIS as a promising interface
for superheavy element chemistry – Production of 261Rf using the GARIS/gas-jet
R. Dressler
PureCOLD for ß-α-pile-up suppression
– a status report
D. Wittwer
Stopping force estimations for element
114 in mylar and argon gas
J. Runke
Preparation of 244Pu targets
by electrodeposition
K. Eberhardt
Coupling of TASCA with SHIPTRAP
J.V. Kratz
The Helmholtz-Institute Mainz: Stucture,
Symmetry, and Stability